Participant Grievances Policy
Print Training Australia follows strict investigative processes regarding complaints or grievances. All appeals and grievances will be handled in an equitable, ethical and helpful manner, and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Print Training Australia will do all it can to uphold the dignity or all persons involved.
For Participants who wish to make a complaint about the provision of services, procedures or facilities at Print Training Australia , or if you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, disability, marital status, pregnancy, sexual preference, age or if you believe you have been adversely affected by unsatisfactory teaching, unsatisfactory supervision, unsatisfactory assessment results, unfair treatment, any form of harassment or victimisation or other matters of concern, you may take the following steps to ensure that your grievance or problems are recognised and dealt with appropriately.
Step 1. In the first instance, you should raise your concerns with the trainer/staff member or Participant involved or if you are undertaking an enterprise bases training program, you should first raise you concerns with either your work place trainer or supervisor.
If your organisation has a Training Reference Group (TRG) established and the issue can’t be resolved through discussion with workplace trainer/supervisor then the issue should be directed to the Training Reference Group direct, or to your representative on the TRG.
Step 2 If they are unable to advise you or resolve the issue, you should lodge a formal complaint in writing with Print Training Australia Administration Office, Unit 17, 169 Unley Road, Unley SA 5061 (phone (08) 8172 0022) no later than 14 days from the date of the incident.
Upon receipt of the complaint, a facilitator who has not been involved will review the matter. A meeting will be arranged to ensure that all parties have an opportunity to present their case and the facilitators’ written report of the outcome and reasons will be distributed to all parties and Print Training Australia within 14 days.
Step 3 If the matter is still not resolved to your satisfaction you may lodge a formal complaint in writing to the following organisations:
Resolution Institute:
Level 1 & 2
13-15 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone (toll free) 1800 651 650
All grievances, received will be reviewed and discussed at the next company meeting in order to highlight any recurring or significant issues which may require corrective action.