Code Of Practice
As a Registered Training Organisation, Print Training Australia must operate within the principles and standards of the VET
Quality Framework.
Legislation and Regulatory Requirements
Print Training Australia will comply with all relevant State and Federal legislative requirements.
Provision of Information
Print Training Australia supplies accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to prospective trainees and clients through our handbooks, policy manual and website.
You will be informed before you enrol of all costs and charges you will incur throughout your course.
Marketing of training and Assessment Services
Our marketing and advertising to prospective trainees/clients is ethical and accurate and we gain written permission from a
trainee or client before using information about that individual or organisation in any marketing materials.
Our organisation accurately represents recognised training products and services to prospective trainees and clients and
ensures they are provided with full details of conditions in any contract arrangements with the organisation. No false or
misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organisation or qualification.
Provision of Training and Assessment Services
Print Training Australia has policies and management practices which maintain high professional standards in the delivery of training and assessment services, which safeguard the interests and welfare of trainees and/or clients. We have the capacity to deliver and assess the vocational qualifications for which we have been registered, provide adequate facilities, and use methods and materials appropriate to the learning and assessment needs of our trainees/clients.
We regularly engage with relevant industry representatives to evaluate our training and assessment services. This ensures
our graduates hold the required skills and knowledge to the standard of performance required in the workplace.
Our training and assessment strategies are developed in consultation with industry to ensure they are relevant to industry
needs. Where training or assessment occurs in a workplace, evidence of performance will contribute to our assessments.
Our teaching and assessment staff continuously engages with industry to ensure their knowledge and skills reflect current
industry practice.
We ensure assessments are conducted in a manner which meets the endorsed components of the relevant Training
Package(s) and/or accredited courses.
We are committed to access and equity principles and will not unlawfully discriminate against trainees/clients. The
obligations we place on our staff and trainees/clients are to protect their health, safety and welfare and ensure as far as
possible, their learning experiences are positive and free of discrimination or harassment.
Our policies and procedures ensure trainees/clients are treated fairly and receive all reasonable assistance to successfully
complete their course once accepted for enrolment.
We recognise trainees/clients may already hold skills and knowledge which are relevant to their course outcomes. We will
assist them to gain recognition for these skills and knowledge through a process called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Completed relevant units of competency with another Registered Training Organisation will automatically be credited
towards completion of the qualification.
We offer learning and assessment services which as far as practicable meet individual learning needs. We can tailor training
programs to meet our trainees/clients needs and offer a range of learning and assessment resources.
Our organisation issues qualifications and Statements of Attainment to trainees who meet the required outcomes of a
qualification or unit of competency.
Record Keeping
Print Training Australia will keep complete and accurate records of trainee attendance and progress, as well as financial
records which clearly state the fees charged, payments made and balance owing. These records are managed to maintain
confidentiality and will not be divulged to third parties unless authorized by the trainee/client or under law. Trainees can
make a written request to view their file at any time.
Financial standards
Print Training Australia has a refund policy that is fair and equitable. The policy is made available to all trainees and clients
prior to enrolment. In the event we are not able to fulfil our obligations to trainees/clients, we have measures in place to
ensure they either receive the service from another RTO or receive a refund.
We will ensure the financial and contractual relationship between the trainee/client and our organisation is fully and properly documented, and copies of the documentation are made available to the client/trainee. Documentation includes: the rights and responsibilities of trainees, costs of training and assessment services, issuance of qualifications, payment arrangements, refund conditions and any other matters that place obligations on trainees or clients.
Recruitment of participants is conducted at all times in an ethical and responsible manner, in line with Equal Opportunity
Offers of course placement are based on an assessment of the extent, to which the qualifications, proficiency and aspirations of the applicant are matched by the training opportunity offered.
Print Training Australia ensures the educational background of intending trainees/clients is assessed by suitably qualified staff and/or agents, and provides for the training of such staff and agents, as appropriate.
Grievance mechanism
Print Training Australia will deal fairly and constructively with your concerns and complaints about our services and will
ensure trainees and clients have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with grievances. Every effort is made by
our organisation to resolve clients’/trainees’ grievances.
Where a grievance cannot be resolved internally, our organisation advises trainees and clients of the appropriate body where they can seek further assistance.
Quality control
Our organisation seeks feedback from our trainees and clients on their satisfaction with services they have received and seeks to improve its services in accordance with appropriate expectations.